
Vedantic Practice 25 – Melting into Isvarra by Bede Clifford

Swami Dayananda says that it is necessary to resolve the ego into Isvara. To disappear as a struggling, fighting, demanding, unhappy individual is to be psychologically transformed as an individual. To be relaxed in the lap of Isvara is to appreciate ourselves as relaxed, secure and at home with ourselves. To melt into Isvara is to be released from all psychological resistance. To abide in the Vision of God as unfolded by Swami Dayananda is too be lifted out of psychological reactions without will or thinking on our part and find ourselves relaxed in the lap of Isvara. From this “place”, we are able to learn and be open to the vision that is Vedanta.

Bede Clifford is a disciple of Swami Dayananda Saraswati & Swamini Atmaprakashananda. His interests are philosophy, sociology, psychology, comparative religion and Traditional Vedanta

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